Tiktok Pixel - upquads

The Tiktok Pixel feature allows you to track and measure the effectiveness of your Tiktok advertising campaigns. Here’s how you can add and manage Tiktok Pixels within your app:

To Get tiktok pixel credentials refer to this documentation Click Here

Add Tiktok Pixel

Enables you to create and configure a new Tiktok Pixel for tracking purposes.

How to use:

  1. Click the Add Tiktok Pixel button. This will open the Tiktok Pixel Form page.
  2. Enter the following data to create the Tiktok Pixel:
    • Pixel Name: Provide a unique name for the pixel.
    • Pixel ID: Enter the pixel ID obtained from your Tiktok Business account.
    • Tiktok Access Token: Provide the Tiktok access token.
    • Target Area: Choose the target area from the available options:
      • Entire Store
      • Collections (Choose one or more collections)
      • Tags (Choose one or more tags)
      • Specific Pages (Choose one or more pages)
    • Test Event Code: Optionally, enter the test event code for testing purposes. Remove this code after testing.
    • UTM Parameters: Enter the values for the three UTM parameters added in the event URL:
      • Source
      • Medium
      • Campaign
  3. Click the Save button to create the Facebook Pixel.

Manage Tiktok Pixels

Allows you to view and manage the Tiktok Pixels you’ve created.

Fields in the table:

  1. Pixel ID: The unique pixel ID.
  2. Status: Shows the status in a toggle. You can change the status using the toggle button.
  3. Pixel Name: The name of the pixel.
  4. Target Area: The selected target option.
  5. Server Side: Indicates if the access token is added or not (true or false).
  6. Test Events: Indicates if the test event code is added or not (true or false).
  7. Actions:
    • Edit: Click this button to edit the Tiktok Pixel. This will open the Edit Tiktok Pixel form, similar to the creation form.
    • Delete: Click this button to delete the Tiktok Pixel.