Facebook Pixel - upquads

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel feature allows you to track and measure the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising campaigns. Here’s how you can add and manage Facebook Pixels within your app:

To Get Facebook pixel credentials refer to this documentation Click here

Add Facebook Pixel

Enables you to create and configure a new Facebook Pixel for tracking purposes.

How to use:

  1. Click the Add Facebook Pixel button. This will open the Facebook Pixel Form page.
  2. Enter the following data to create the Facebook Pixel:
    • Pixel Name: Provide a unique name for the pixel.
    • Pixel ID: Enter the pixel ID obtained from your Facebook Business account.
    • FB Access Token: Provide the Facebook access token.
    • Target Area: Choose the target area from the available options:
      • Entire Store
      • Collections (Choose one or more collections)
      • Tags (Choose one or more tags)
      • Specific Pages (Choose one or more pages)
    • Test Event Code: Optionally, enter the test event code for testing purposes. Remove this code after testing.
    • UTM Parameters: Enter the values for the three UTM parameters added in the event URL:
      • Source
      • Medium
      • Campaign
  3. Click the Save button to create the Facebook Pixel.

Manage Facebook Pixels

Allows you to view and manage the Facebook Pixels you’ve created.

Fields in the table:

  1. Pixel ID: The unique pixel ID.
  2. Status: Shows the status in a toggle. You can change the status using the toggle button.
  3. Pixel Name: The name of the pixel.
  4. Target Area: The selected target option.
  5. Server Side: Indicates if the access token is added or not (true or false).
  6. Test Events: Indicates if the test event code is added or not (true or false).
  7. Actions:
    • Edit: Click this button to edit the Facebook Pixel. This will open the Edit Facebook Pixel form, similar to the creation form.
    • Delete: Click this button to delete the Facebook Pixel.