Event Activities - upquads

Event Activities

The Event Activities feature provides detailed statistics for server-side events, helping you track user interactions and conversions. Here’s how to view and analyze these statistics effectively:

How to View Event Statistics

1. Select Pixel
Allows you to select the pixel for which you want to view event statistics.

How to Use:
From the list of available Facebook and TikTok pixels, select the desired pixel to view its event statistics.

2. Search by Date
Enables you to filter event data by specific dates

How to Use:
By default, the data for today will be displayed.
To view data for a specific date range, select the start date and end date from the date picker.

Analytics Events

The following are the key events tracked and their corresponding metrics:

1. Purchase

  • What It Measures: The count of users who have completed a product purchase.
  • Why It’s Important: Indicates the total number of successful transactions.

2. Initiate Checkout

  • What It Measures: The count of users who have added items to their cart and proceeded to the checkout page but did not complete the purchase.
  • Why It’s Important: Helps identify the drop-off rate at the checkout stage.

3. Add to Cart

  • What It Measures: The count of users who have added items to their cart.
  • Why It’s Important: Shows the level of interest in products and potential sales opportunities.

4. Content View

  • What It Measures: The count of users who have viewed product pages.
  • Why It’s Important: Helps assess product interest and engagement levels.

5. Page View

  • What It Measures: The count of users who have viewed any page of the store.
  • Why It’s Important: Provides a general measure of store traffic and user engagement

6. Search

  • What It Measures: The count of users who have searched for a query in the store and viewed the search results page.
  • Why It’s Important: Indicates the level of user engagement with the store’s search functionality and the relevance of search results.


TikTok Pixel Limitations: On TikTok pixel, the Page View and Search events are not available.